National Auxiliary President plants tree at VFW Michigan headquarters

- 8/16/2023

VFW Auxiliary National President Carla Martinez came to the VFW Department of Michigan and Auxiliary Headquarters August 15, 2023 to help plant a Bloodgood Japanese Maple Tree with VFW Department of Michigan Auxiliary President Sara Manke and VFW Junior Vice Commander Reinold Yahnka.
The tree was planted as part of Manke's Suicide Awareness Special Project for 2023-2024. The project urges each Michigan Auxiliary to plant a tree at their Post or somewhere significant in their community to commemorate and raise awareness of the issue of suicide concerning veterans and their families.
According to the Department of Veteran Affairs 2022 Annual Suicide Prevention Annual Report, an average of 16.8 veterans commit suicide per day.
If you, or someone you know is in need of suicide prevention resources, Call the Veterans Crisis Line by dialing 988 then press 1 to contact a qualified responder. Or, text 838255.



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